Tuesday 13 September 2011

Time is flying

Time at the moment seems to be flying by. It's next Sunday that Lewis goes to University, just over a week ago Adrian and Deb invited both families to a meal at a Spanish Restaurant and Tapas Bar. It was a combination of Lewis's 19th Birthday, well done in his A levels (and Rachel's GCSE taken early)and farewell. We had a great time and a lovely meal. I thought that was the last time I would see Lewis until Christmas, then Friday evening Adrian rang to ask if they could all come over Saturday afternoon .... a wonderful surprise, they stayed for tea so that was a special bonus visit, sadly I now know that I won't see Lewis again until Christmas. Still look on the bright side .... it won't be long before it is here!! (that's a bright side? ... what am I saying?!)

The posters are now going up for Craftaway Saturday and we already have our first customers booked .... all very exciting. We now have tomorrow and next Wednesday to get the final preparations done as then we are each on holiday on consecutive weeks, after which there will be one more Wednesday get together with the three of us before the Workshop!!!

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